NFT Flower – Red Tulip Flower #7

A bright, blood-red tulip, a very beautiful and strong flower. In the world, most people give their preference to him, for his beauty and stateliness. Leaves directed upwards resembling a crown, this is what this beautiful flower is remembered for. All people in the world have seen and admired him at least once, but the most interesting thing is his story. Few people know how this flower stands out from everyone, apart from external indicators. Its mythology, its meaning in our life. It is a red and chiseled diamond among all the colors.

The life of tulips.

Tulip is a genus of perennial herbaceous bulbous plants of the lily family. There are eighty types of flowers in the modern world. The center of origin and the greatest variety of tulip species can be seen in the mountains of northern Iran. For fifteen million years of evolution, tulips settled to Spain and Morocco in the west, to Transbaikalia in the east and to the Sinai Peninsula in the south. Many tulips live in mountainous, steppe and desert areas with hot and dry summers. In cold winters and short, warm and humid springs, they never stop developing due to their unique ability to adapt to the environment. The development of a tulip from seed to flowering plant takes from three to seven years, and a bulb change, unlike other flowers, occurs annually.

History and legends about the tulip.

If we talk about the history and legends of the tulip, then it originated on earth a very long time ago. The tulip is mentioned in the Bible, its images were found in the manuscript of the tenth and twelfth centuries. The legend of the tulip says that it was in the bud of the red tulip that happiness was contained, but no one could reach it, since the bud did not open, but one day a little boy took the godfather flower in his hands and the tulip opened itself. Baby soul, carefree happiness and laughter opened the bud.

Tulips from the point of view of science.

The tulip is a herbaceous plant with red, yellow or white flowers. The color of tulips is very diverse. Often the base of the petals is colored differently. Leaves have smooth or wavy edges. The bottom sheet is the largest and the top, the so-called flag-sheet, is the smallest. An adult plant most often has two or three leaves, which are located at the bottom of the stem. Plant height can vary depending on the type and variety of plants. Tulips are from ten to twenty centimeters, some varieties from sixty-five to eighty-five centimeters.

Tulips in industry.

Some tulip petals are edible, the taste changes depending on the season and plant variety. Most often it is added
in salads. But all over the world tulips are more popular in the flower business and are grown in greenhouses for sale.

Tulips in the world of photo art.

Tulips are very bright and expressive flowers. Most often, they are held in their hands in the photograph in order to emphasize and decorate the model’s appearance. Tulips are not very common in the photography industry, but those who use them know a lot about it. These flowers are very versatile and they suit almost every style and therefore they complement the style and atmosphere of photography.

NFT flower.

In the world of NFT photo and NFT nature, this is a very beautiful and inspiring subject. In the world of NFT flower, this is a unique flower, because it will suit anyone, many people choose NFT nature photography for their lifestyle, the tulip have suit every connoisseur of NFT nature. Our NFT photography is original for its transfer of colors, clarity of photography and expression. Each flower has its own soul, looking at it inside you understand that this is what you need, NFT photo with this flower will complement anything, this flower is unique in life, because it is nothing like others in the world of NFT photo this flower will become doubly unique. If you collect a collection of NFT nature or NFT flower, then you can supplement your collection with this wonderful flower, but if you support nature, then by purchasing this flower you can understand that there are still unique and at the same time not well-known plants in the world.

Red tulip NFT flower #7
Red tulip NFT flower #7

Type species:Tarda tulip
Background:Green bush